The Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Recovery
Cancer is among the leading causes of illness worldwide. Everyone knows someone affected by this frightening, debilitating and sometimes terminal disease. Many cancer patients undergoing treatment are left feeling weak and exhausted. Simply getting up in the morning, keeping up with children or grandchildren and remaining social can often seem like herculean tasks, much less the greater physical challenges of keeping the body active through exercise. The truth is that maintaini...
Posted on 2017-03-22
Back Pain? Perhaps Fashion is Contributing to the Problem
Have you ever experienced a discomfort that manifests itself as an uncomfortable stiffness, tightness and sometimes even a sharp or a dull back pain? At times you think it may be your uncomfortable office chair, a lumpy mattress, an old pillow, or maybe that really intense work out session at the gym? It could be...... or perhaps it could be the very clothes that you are wearing that are the real reason behind your back pain! That’s right! It could be yo...
Posted on 2017-03-22
What Physiotherapists Can Teach you to Decrease the Likelihood of Low Back Pain
Physiotherapists provide many different types of effective treatment for low back pain but they also provide their patients with plenty of education on how to avoid or minimize this type of injury. Sometimes low back pain is cause by a single injury or incident, but most often it is caused or exacerbated by a long list of repetitive strains and aggravating positions and movements. CanadaPhysio physiotherapists spend time with patients teaching proper posture, position and movements...
Posted on 2016-03-30