What conditions can be treated with Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Considerable pain and a decreased ability to function can develop when Sciatica or Disk Herniation is diagnosed. Typically, these symptoms of back and leg pain occur as a result of excessive pressure between the vertebral disks of the spine. These symptoms are features of SPINAL COMPRESSION.
It stands to reason that if compression created the condition, then DECOMPRESSION should also play a role in providing relief. It is always wise to consult with your physicia...
Posted on 2017-01-13
Here’s What you Need to Know about Sciatica, Chiropractic and Spinal Decompression

Here’s What you Need to Know about Sciatica, Chiropractic and Spinal Decompression.
Why is Sciatica such a big pain in the butt?.
Why do so many patients go from doctor to doctor and clinic to clinic in search of a cure for recurrent episodes of back pain and in particular sciatica? At CanadaPhysio, a week does not go by without encountering a patient seeking treatment for painful, persistent and recurrent Sciatica. What is it about Sciatica, or rather conventional treatmen...
Posted on 2016-06-13