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What Does it Mean When Someone has Chronic Pain?

What Does it Mean When Someone has Chronic Pain?
By definition, Chronic Pain is said to exist when pain remains present for a period of 6 months or more. Studies indicate that 20-30% of the population are affected by chronic pain (British Journal of Medicine). Shockingly enough, some patients describe their chronic pain condition as constant and ever present pain day after day.  Others will report that their pain has more of an intermittent quality, with periods of intensity and diminishment but never fully absent for more than a very s...
Posted on 2016-08-26

What is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Pain?

What is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Pain?
What is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Pain?. In clinical practice, your doctor and therapist will frequently refer to pain as either acute or chronic, but what does this really mean?  Acute Pain by definition describes a sensation that is intense and sharp in quality.  Its onset can be sudden, rapid and can quickly escalate.  Patients in acute pain are very motivated to do something about it.  It is hard to ignore acute pain and it can very easily take over your...
Posted on 2016-06-13

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