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The Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Recovery

The Role of Physiotherapy in Cancer Recovery
Cancer is among the leading causes of illness worldwide. Everyone knows someone affected by this frightening, debilitating and sometimes terminal disease. Many cancer patients undergoing treatment are left feeling weak and exhausted. Simply getting up in the morning, keeping up with children or grandchildren and remaining social can often seem like herculean tasks, much less the greater physical challenges of keeping the body active through exercise. The truth is that maintaini...
Posted on 2017-03-22

Back Pain? Perhaps Fashion is Contributing to the Problem

Back Pain? Perhaps Fashion is Contributing to the Problem
Have you ever experienced a discomfort that manifests itself as an uncomfortable stiffness, tightness and sometimes even a sharp or a dull back pain? At times you think it may be your uncomfortable office chair, a lumpy mattress, an old pillow, or maybe that really intense work out session at the gym?  It could be...... or perhaps it could be the very clothes that you are wearing that are the real reason behind your back pain!  That’s right!  It could be yo...
Posted on 2017-03-22

Foot Pain? Go Shopping for New Shoes

Foot Pain? Go Shopping for New Shoes
You know that delightful feeling that you get when after a long day of walking in uncomfortable shoes, you finally get the chance to take them off and step onto the soft carpeted floor? Footwear today is not only a powerful fashion statement; it is also a reflection of important social and political influences. What’s the deal with Women, Shoes and Foot Pain? It is “painfully” obvious the damage that the wrong pair of shoes can do to your feet and even you...
Posted on 2017-02-27

What Chiropractic Can Do for You After a Car Accident

What Chiropractic Can Do for You After a Car Accident
Motor vehicle accidents are unfortunate events that occur on a daily basis, leaving drivers, passengers and pedestrians injured and disabled. If you were involved in a car accident and managed to walk away from it unharmed you can consider yourself very lucky!  However, experience has taught us that most injuries received in a motor vehicle accident are not always immediately evident.  It is not uncommon for back pain and a variety of other injuries to fully manifest ...
Posted on 2017-02-14

What conditions can be treated with Spinal Decompression Therapy?

What conditions can be treated with Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Considerable pain and a decreased ability to function can develop when Sciatica or Disk Herniation is diagnosed.  Typically, these symptoms of back and leg pain occur as a result of excessive pressure between the vertebral disks of the spine.  These symptoms are features of SPINAL COMPRESSION.  It stands to reason that if compression created the condition, then DECOMPRESSION should also play a role in providing relief.   It is always wise to consult with your physicia...
Posted on 2017-01-13
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